Sunday, April 12, 2009


happy birthday to bday boys/girls who will celebrate/celebrated his/her birthday in April..

i) bah...
my beloved father yang birthdaynya jatuh pada 6th April 1945..yeke bah?huhu...happy birthday...long live bah!

ii) oya..
my nephew .. on 12 th April 2001..yang ke 8..

iii) yie..
my sis .. 13th April 1982...

iv) bee..
my bestfriend...maser blaja dlu...still lg blaja skunk..amek masters...cayala..21 April 1985.. bday cake utk korg..kongsijer..huhu

Wednesday, April 8, 2009



So, the assistant of Joe Bennet had told Victory Ford that he had bought a ring and will ask her to marry her..Victory da excited n terharu coz..walopon dorg broke up,but Joe is still madly in love with her...sayang bangat...hmm..then satu ari...dorg 3 org bestfriends neh ntah nk gi mane..(aku pom tgk separuh jalan..hehe) but their car broke down. Then, Victory pom calla Joe suh datang amek dorg...of coursela Joe datang...'the one' da cal kan...
and...Victory mengharapkan that will the moment dier nk gtau psl dier da tau yg Joe akan propose dier...but...sadly...Joe keluarkan surat yang menyatakan Victory ada hak perseorangan ke atas bisnes dorg...n....dier say goodbye...tak cakap papepom psl propose...bayangkan perasaan Victory time tuh...kecewa n menangis..

i.alahai Joe.da ada peluang bah..luahkan jak..jangan bazirkan peluang tuh bah...---egoism

ii.Victory suke kalo ko propose dier...walopon da broke up..tapi still leh trimer balik...nothing is impossible----wisdom


Pete da sayang kar Rossie dari mula-mula lagi...dorg kwn dari kecik...then, datang sorang pelakon neh...Ted...sebenarnyer...dier dtg kg tuh sbb tak dapat watak yg dier nak..ingt nk lepas tensen...tapi jatuh cinta lak kat Rossie..Rossie pom sukela..yelakan...pelakon terkenal..suke kat dier...of coursela...Rossie tak tau yang Pete suke kat dier jugak...Pete pom satu...tak bgtau...sampailah last2..Ted ajak Rossie ikut dier gi California...baru Pete gtau Rossie malam tuh...dier wat Rossie serba last....Rossie pilih Pete jugak..sbb Pete lg kenal sape diri dier dr Ted...

i. same jugak ngan ulasan kat atas...huhu..cume tukar name jer..

grab the chance while you have...dont wait till the end..peace!