Saturday, June 27, 2009


bunyi hon abg posmen
ku terus berlari
mndapatkan surat yg sedia terselit di post box umahku
wah...ada surat...
wah..ini sudah bagus...
kubuka sampulnya
temuduga pada
30 Jun 2009
jam 10 pagi
untuk jawatan..xxxxx(bese2jer...huhuhu)
xlama da...
lg beberapa hari...
nk bacer per...
ku terus surf tenet
carik website MBKT
print out
bila mo baca neh?('gerutus' ku dllm hati kecil ini)

hmm...pd arituh
dtg jugak opis.
tapi skejapjer.
punch kad jer
then terus pegi kot.
nk gi sesme akak
coz nk suh dy crk parking
aku leh jln kaki smbil mnghirup udara pagi
huhu..plan2 gitu

cmner interview tuh nnti.
arap2 leh jwb.
doakan aku nnti ek..

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Happy Father's Day to
my beloved Father
who I called "Bah"
named YM Tuan Jaafar Tuan Silek
You are the Best Father in the world
Thank you for everything....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


meniti hari-hari yg penuh kesunyian...or..bakal mnjadi sunyi...or bakal mnjadi hari2 last aku....huhu....ish...xnk pk...tapi trpk jugak...nk wat cmner lol...mkn rotila..
bolehke aku neh...tabahke aku neh....kuat ker aku neh....argh..aku kene mnyibukkan diri...sibukkan diri dgn kerje yg bertimbun....(bertimbun ker?)...kene jugak..kene carik keje jugak julie...andai kata teda peluang aku di sini.....bawalah aku ngan diri ini merantau...merantau ke negeri org...yg penuh dgn liku2 kehidupan...ya...pernah duk jauh,,,tapi as a student...ase selamat sket kot...tapi bler da bukan status student...u are nobody.....argh..cmne neh....nk ke Johor kah aku neh???trpk jugak...xpe..aku pertimbangkan utk ke saner....atas alasan apa?carik keje@saje melawat akak aku kat saner...smbil2 tuh..tnjau2..peluang keje kat sane....huhuh...
tapikan....ati aku...xtrgerak lg utk kemane2....bukan xnk pegi..tapi sorg...gamble...x...aku xsekuat tuh...aku xsuke susahkan diri....tapi...kene jugak susah....susah2 dahulu...senang2 kemudian...ha...yela....ckp mmg senang....xpe..hal neh...aku kene discuss dlu ngan org lebih lebih berpengalaman.....
sekian saja...utk saat ini...lain jam aku smbung blk...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


masuk arini...da 3 ari selseme...idung sakit..tersumbat...bersin?toksah ckpla...byk kali..huhu...ader bacer artikel neh psl influenza...dari World Health Organization..(WHO) says...

"Influenza is a viral infection that affects mainly the nose, throat, bronchi and, occasionally, lungs. Infection usually lasts for about a week, and is characterized by sudden onset of high fever, aching muscles, headache and severe malaise, non-productive cough, sore throat and rhinitis.

The virus is transmitted easily from person to person via droplets and small particles produced when infected people cough or sneeze. Influenza tends to spread rapidly in seasonal epidemics.

Most infected people recover within one to two weeks without requiring medical treatment. However, in the very young, the elderly, and those with other serious medical conditions, infection can lead to severe complications of the underlying condition, pneumonia and death."

death?...creepy...huhu..tapi asenyer...xder pape kot..juz selseme bese jer..xder la high fever..or temperature badan high...bese2 je ase...mungkin coz by..el Nino ker...suke2 ati menyalahkan El Nino yang tengah melanda Malaysia...tapi FYI, El NIno jugak adalah penyebab denggi n malaria...mungkin nyamuk suke waktu panas cmneh...probably...
okeh..setelah lama aku xmencoret dlm blog neh...korg pom da tau sbb aku sakit..walopom baru sakit 3 ari...tapi tak berblog suda lama...hahhaa...chow.